Now, on to more important bits and my stories! Yay! *ahem*
First up would be By King's Order, an M/M, which was published by Less Than Three Press. All the information for this one can be found here --> (Mind you, I am a newbie at blogger, so I have no idea if the link will work. Fingers crossed.)
My second story, also published by Less Than Three Press, is called Something New, part of the Kiss Me At Midnight Anthology. This one is an F/F/F and I had a lot of fun writing it. This one can be found here-->
My third story is from MLR and OMG! I had Kris Jacen as my editor. *squee* If you haven't heard of Kris from MLR, you're missing out. My story there is Chocolate Power and you can find everything for it here-->
Since it's MLR it's an M/M. I have to admit, I wrote this one in two days, and edited it in one. Also, I submitted it the day the call for vampire stories was ending. *ducks head* I had this idea of a lone, brooding vampire who found a dhamphir child in my brain and nothing was coming. So, when I got fed up, I opened a new document and said "Screw it!" and proceeded to create Chocolate Power. I kind of fell in love with Kris at the end, and didn't know how I felt about Will, though I admit that I purposefully created Gaia and the agreement between Gaia and Kris just because I was amused by the idea of a pissed off Will. *shrugs shoulders* I might be mildly sadistic on occasion. But Will will probably have a good laugh at my expense when I finally settle on this pairs starting story. At the moment, I'm working on John's story, and I'm, uh, about three-fourths of the way done with it, but, uh, I may have allowed myself to take on a project. *ducks*
As for story number four, that one will be out with Storm Moon Press really soon. *happy dance* It's part of their Coffee Break Quickie Anthology and it's an F/F. (I think I'm starting to see a pattern here.) All of its information can be found here-->
This one, oh, I saw the prompt and immediately had an idea. Usually I have to chew on them a bit, but I jumped right on in with this one. Then I had to worry about whether or not it was good enough because it was so short, but it's a quickie, and I finally submitted it. Good move on my part since it was accepted!
I can't wait to read everyone else's stories.